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543 Interactive

543 Interactive was at one point the main focus of 543 Media, Inc.

When we first started this business in 1999, our core business was creating websites for clients whether it be personal or business. We still have clients regarding the creating and/or management of websites; but it is in our opinion that the business of creating websites is dead.

Now all that being said, we have many websites that we have created for ourselves with the idea of having an Internet business for potential customers whether it be travel, auto, pets, purchasing domain names, etc... This Internet business has great potential; immense potential. But at this time we are focusing on our music part of the business for the end of 2015 and the beginning of 2016.

We will address all our web properties in mid 2016 and build upon what we have, what we want, and our goals and ideas of a profitable Internet business. So please feel free to contact us for any information regarding this part of our business. But keep in mind, we are very focused right now on the music part of 543 Media, Inc. Thank you.



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Investing can be fun and it can be very stressful. WIth the world as it is at the moment it seems most people are very stressed out. People don't know where they can put their money and they aren't sure if markets around the world will get better or worse. What if the markets around the world got worse but the money you invested grew either way? Wouldn't that be great? Imagine a world where markets went up and down and even if they went down and stayed down, your money was growing and making your life just a little bit easier. Well, this is not a make believe world. Investing in music, movies and the Internet are actually a safe investment if you invest in the right music business, the right film and the right Internet properties. If the world's markets crashed, people would still buy songs, go to the movies and people would still visit websites looking for entertainment, information, and shopping.