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Investing in 543 Media

This website is a staging ground for raising capital for 543 Media Inc. and it's subsidiaries. Please take the time to read the other pages on your website; which is very short and to the point. 543 Media Inc. used to be focused on website properties and clients. We are now concentrating on music and than film.

As of now, August 19th 2015, we are re;leasing an album in one week. Because we have already recorded most of all the songs we have in our catalogue, releasing other albums will not take as long as traditional albums take. By this time next year we will have another seven to eleven albums out. That is unheard of in the business; but like we just mentioned... most of the work has already been done.

What we would like to do is raise some capital to make it easier to master, pay talent, market, and make way for our next focus; film.

Look at it like this; you are watching a train about to leave the station. Do you get on or just watch the train leave? The option is your's. The revenue could also be your's. Not all of it but a percentage. So let's take a look at some numbers.

investors for 543

5 investors putting in 40K = 200K (2% each of gross )

8 investors putting in 25K each = 200K

10 investors putting in 20K each = 200K (1% each of gross )

20 investors putting in 10K each = 200K (.5% each of gross )

40 investors putting in 5K = 200K (.25% each of gross )

20K = 1 percent of gross income until 5 times investment is reached

Looking to raise 200K.

Company/business projected income to be over 25 million by 2017 and over 75 million by 2018. Lower value at 2 million to offer investors a greater share than let’s say offering them .003% which is what they would be offered at a valuation of 75 million for a 20K investment.

Different levels of investment allowance:
• getting in at "the beginning" > Sept. - December 2015 - 20k = 1% of gross
• getting in after a "good start" > Jan. - March 24th 2016 - 30k = 1% of gross
• getting in after "being established" or 35K in sales (whatever comes first > March 25th - July 2016 - 50k = 1% of gross
• getting in after "success" or 75K in sales (whatever comes first > August - December 2016 - 100k = 1% of gross
• After December 2016 > no more investments allowed.

There is a possibility that a record company could get nvolved which would make things change but only for the better for investors. See the video below that we are now about to send to record labels.





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Investing can be fun and it can be very stressful. WIth the world as it is at the moment it seems most people are very stressed out. People don't know where they can put their money and they aren't sure if markets around the world will get better or worse. What if the markets around the world got worse but the money you invested grew either way? Wouldn't that be great? Imagine a world where markets went up and down and even if they went down and stayed down, your money was growing and making your life just a little bit easier. Well, this is not a make believe world. Investing in music, movies and the Internet are actually a safe investment if you invest in the right music business, the right film and the right Internet properties. If the world's markets crashed, people would still buy songs, go to the movies and people would still visit websites looking for entertainment, information, and shopping.